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Re: mandarin ratsnake acclimation. (long)

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Posted by lolaophidia on January 29, 2003 at 17:24:49:

In Reply to: mandarin ratsnake acclimation. posted by lynex17 on January 29, 2003 at 16:22:48:

I have been working with rat snakes for years and also decided to purchase a pair of WC Mandarins. Here's the scoop. I bought an adult pair (from Xtreme Reptiles in FL) and had them shipped. Both animals seemed alright on arrival. The female was a little thin, the male had pretty good weight. The female never fed and died one month after I got her. The male has only eaten one live pinky in 3 months though he's still pretty feisty.
When these animals are collected in China, they are collected primarily as food items- not pets. They're kept in bags until they have enough to ship out and they don't typically receive any food or water during that time. So you really have no idea what kind of treatment they received prior to their arrival in the US. Most specimens are parasite laden which in their normal environment they can handle, but during the stress of transport can leave them in an extremely weakened state. I feel pretty lucky that one survived and I've got a feeling that even if I can get him eating regularly, he will never thrive. After that experience, I plunked down the money for a pair of CB. At least I know the animals are clean and will feed. Save your money and buy captive bred. Not trying to preach, just relaying the experience...

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