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Posted by Tribal Prop on January 24, 2003 at 06:27:30:

In Reply to: Ridleyi cooling and breeding- A question. posted by kshouse on January 22, 2003 at 17:55:21:

Steve, depending on whom you speak to, you will find different opinions on how cold, how long, or, if the taeniura and sub-species need to be cooled down at all! We have had great results by dropping the room temps down to the low 60's at night and keeping it there for about 60 days. The daytime high was aloud to rise to the high 70's. We house of Cave rats together year round and they showed no interest in each other until we started cooling them, once the temps dropped, they began breeding immediately! We started cooling them in November and our female should be laying eggs any day now! We don't think that you are keeping them to cold, however, from our experience they may actually use the time of cooling to breed unlike other colubrids that would lay dormant. All of our Asian elaphe are treated the same (taeniura, taeniura ssp,& taeniura ridleyi)and this cooling process of daytime high and a nighttime lows has produced 100% results. Keep in mind that the snakes which you are working with never see the extreme cold that our USA colubrids do, but we know from speaking to other keepers that it has also caused them no harm. Good luck!

Our Female

This picture was taken after the first night of temperature drop

Tribal Propagation
Brian and Laura Hamel
1255 Saratoga Lane
Geneva, FL 32732

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