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Possibly some insight to your situation

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Posted by Tribal Prop on January 22, 2003 at 17:12:57:

In Reply to: URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! -elaphe radiata. posted by borneoshankhdotz on January 22, 2003 at 06:19:22:

To start with, we are sorry to hear about your loss. We used to work with a large group of Radiata and had a very similar situation take place. The first group the we acquired were all juveniles and all off to a great start. They ate pink mice regularly and seemed to be growing well. Then out of the blue one died. There were no previous signs of illness present! Then within a month we lost two more. The animals were housed separately and never had contact with anything harmful. All of the snakes that died did have one thing in common, they all had a bluish black spot that developed mid body (could be seen under the skin at the stomach area). We then acquired an adult group of radiata and our females produced many offspring. Clutches of 11 to 16 eggs were common. Out of those snakes (we produced more than 70 that year) only 10 have grown to be adult size the rest are now dead! They all coincidentally had this bluish/black spot present. We never have had a problem like this with our other Asian elaphe, however, we have spoken to many other breeders that have experienced the same thing. It may be an internal parasite that plagues radiata, it may be due to weak genes or bad breeding, but after our losses with this species we would be reluctant to blame the bleach. We believe that this species produces multiple clutches and many babies due to the high mortality rate (just our opinion) What ever the case, don't blame yourself! Good luck with keeping snakes in the future and don't give up on Radiata, they are beautiful and worth the effort.

Tribal Propagation
Brian and Laura Hamel
1255 Saratoga Lane
Geneva, FL 32732

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