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hey Dwight

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Posted by dewey on January 17, 2003 at 21:19:18:

Hey Dwight. What's up? I just wanted to say something real quick. First, I am going to talk to George Miskimmons about the Rusties. He has been with the black rats for quite some time now. Since the 80's I do believe. He started the work with the White Sided (Licorice). He lives right down the road from me. Also, were you aware that a Leucistic E.o.o. was caught in the wild in Ohio about 10 years ago? She was caught on a farm by an individual who tried breeding it to an albino, expecting to get more albino snakes. But to his dismay, he got all normal looking babies. He then decided to get rid of it, and that is when Darrin Bell picked it up. He said he has had her for about 10 years now. He has also found a new morph within the leucisitc too. It is very recessive, and hard to get. However, before he knew what he had, he let some get into the hands of others. Now the new morph is being produced by one guy that I know of, besides Darrin (who is having a real tough time with it). This morph is called the Sunglow. It is a phenominal looking animal, and it should be on the market next year I think. It may be there this year. Not real sure yet. But to make a long story short, this strain was found in the Ohio/Erie area, and is pure. The strain that Larry Rouch is producing, he claims is a result of two Rusties breeding together. I'm not too sure about this, but who knows. What I can tell you is this. I will catch a Rustie here in MD this summer, and I hope this disspells any rumors about the Rusties being hybrids. Sorry this was so long, but I wanted to get this out to you. Take care, have a nice weekend, and by the way....make sure Jason and me are on the top of the list for your stock this year....Thanks man...have a nice weekend.

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