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Re: HELP!!! &*&%@%^&*^*%@$#!@#$#

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Posted by bangbang on September 28, 2002 at 20:43:31:

In Reply to: HELP!!! &*&%@%^&*^*%@$#!@#$# posted by jack-skellington on September 24, 2002 at 19:34:44:

The major difference in these snakes is ATTITUDE. Racers are extremely quick and hot tempered.....even in captivity. Ratsnakes are much easier to handle and often will calm down in captivity. I like the racers myself because they are lots of fun for keepers that want a challenge. These snakes shoud be bred more in cativity....for those people that want them. Just try and get captive born..goodluck! I catch my own racers because I can't find captive born. If you do have a racer and want to keep it........your tank should be located in a low traffic area otherwise your snake will be constantly slamming his head against the glass trying to strike anything that moves. Provide two hide boxes at both enads of the tank. The tank should be at least three feet long and four is better. make sure you provide heat using an incandescent(not flourescent) light over one end of the cage or a heating pad under one the water on the cool end. I use slate as as a "substrate" because it is easy to clean and looks better than newspaper. do not let the hot end get over 90 degrees..85 is better. Test with a thermometer on the floor of the aquarium. The cool end should be no cooler than 70 dergees. I use Red Coated Nightlights that I purchase at my local pet supply......leave this light on all the time. There is no need for any other lighting. Black Nightlights are available too. Try a 75 watt first....if too hot go too 60 watts.........if to cool go to 100 watts. Have Fun and don't worry about keeping a wild caught snake....You can have it checked by a vet for parasites. Have Fun!

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