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Posted by Chance on August 05, 2002 at 15:25:39:

In Reply to: Re: Yellow Racer Questions posted by paalexan on August 04, 2002 at 23:03:53:

Hmm, well, not sure why the website isn't working. We may have been updating at the time or something, but try again if you want to. It should work now. Though we have had problems with our provider, their service kinda sucks (but it's free for us so I can't complain), so just keep trying. Thanks for the great information. The male really does appear to be a "blue" racer, in that he's so dark that he's almost an indigo blue. The female is a lighter color. I started thinking....if they were sexually dimorphic in the first place, then this pair is backwards, because the female should be the more cryptically colored (like boomslangs, in that the males are very vivid green while the females are just dull brown or olive), or however you want to think about it. I'm sure the guy was just going by what he was told. Anyway, that's cool though. I probably have a female of the race of western or eastern yellowbelly, and a male blue racer. Babies will look interesting, probably. But they are gorgeous snakes, and I'm certainly not disappointed with them. I don't think I mentioned this in the original post, but the guy that sold them to me also said something about how they only ate fish, and that he tried to get them to eat mice and they snubbed their noses. So on the way home from the show I tested this, as I had bought a few mice at the show for the snakes at home, some of which were larger fuzzies. The male poked his head out of the side of the container, sensed the fuzzy, and wham, grabbed it and ate it without killing the poor thing.

Anyway, try the website again, because I would like for you to see the snakes in question and let me know what you think.

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