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new black racer, best diet for them?

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Posted by Dinobot711 on May 01, 2003 at 21:55:36:

I caught a black racer a few days ago. He's about 3 feet long. I have him in a 75 gallon tank with lizard litter, a hide box a water bowl he can get into and a branch he can climb on and bask. The first two days i left him alone and today i put a frozen thawed mouse in front of his cave in the morning and I am leaving it in there over night to see if he touches. I know it's still early and don't really expect him to eat yet but i figured I'd try it. He already comes out of his cave and basks and, all the he runs at first, once I pick him up he's relatively calm. He doesn't strike at all. He only did that a couple times when I caught him. My question is what's the best diet for them. I tried looking through out the web but had trouble finding anything. I've heard things about frogs, fish, mice, lizards, toads, insects. Better to keep him on mice if he'll eat them or vary there diet like some other snakes? And as far as fish, if they do eat fish, how do I give them to him and what types? Hand feed frozen silversides? Or put feeders in his bowl? Sorry for such a long post but I just wanna make sure I do everything right.

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