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think twice

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Posted by Jaymz on May 07, 2003 at 16:51:59:

In Reply to: survery on best python!!! posted by uiucguy88 on May 07, 2003 at 16:19:41:

going from a jcp to a retic or burm is a massive jump. neither retics or burms can safely be handled alone by 12 to 18 months of age. you stated that a jungle carpet was your first snake, and to date the only snake you own. jcps are great animals, actually all snakes are great animals, just not great animals to keep as pets for most. retics and burms can both achieve lengths in excess of 20 feet, both can weigh more than 2 r 3 men, they are far stronger and often times much faster than humans. they also both have hefty feeding responses, long strike ranges, and like all snakes they can have good and bad days. im sure this is all stuff you know, but, having worked with some large snakes, and i currently keep some species that average 12 to 15 feet, large snakes are no joke, and definitly not a begginer snake, it takes a long time to learn to properly care for such magnificent beasts. youll often hear people tell you that they had a retic or a burm as a first or second snake and that it was the greatest thing...honestly, its just not a good idea. if you want something that gets bigger than a jcp try a coastal carpet, olive pythons, maybe even scrub pythons (most dont get huge, but then again some people think a 2 foot snake is huge)...think of it this way, if something happens to you it could be a lengthy and expensive hospital visit, new laws passed that make it illegal for you to keep that animal, and with the way things are going it could possibly even effect everyones right to keep reptiles in general...just look at all of the bans on snakes over a certain length...there are many things to consider, but there are also snakes that get big, but not really, blood pythons are great big huge snakes, but they average 4 to 6 feet in length, wth a huge girth for their length. they can also be raised to be pretty calm animals that tolerate handling well.


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