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Help please, and suggestions are welcome

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on May 07, 2003 at 13:13:56:

In Reply to: Help please, and suggestions are welcome posted by snakenerd on May 07, 2003 at 13:02:11:

Here are a few suggestions:

1. If possible, try to purchase a thermostat (like a Helix) to attach to your heater...this will eliminate the guessing game and will also eliminate the chances of a bad burn...using cardboard can work but should your snake find a way to get underneath, and it will, you could end up with a trip to the vet.

2. Your temps aren't terrible, but you really should aim for temps that range from the mid to upper 70's on the cool side to the mid 80's on the warm side (as you do now). You also want a small basking area, via the heat pad, where the temps can reach the 88-92 deg F. range.

Other than that, sounds like this snake will have a good home.

:i have a normal ball i just got last week. Right now i have a 20 gal long tank and it is about 85 on the hot side with a heat pad underneath the tank with a thing of carboard so that the glas doesnt get directly hot.umm theres a hide spot and it is on the hot side and the cool side has a heavy glass bowl with water that is changed daily and it stays about 70-75.He has alread ate once when i brought him home.He eats small mice.. is there any auggestions? please help i want him to be as happy and comfy as possible.I reasearched them before i purchased him ( i saved all winter and begged my mom forever)and this is what i came up with so far...
:thankx for the help in advance
:Justice( yeah thats really is my name )

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