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A couple of links in the "for what it's worth" catagory

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Posted by Bill Moss on February 11, 2003 at 07:06:39:

In Reply to: Re: Where to shop?.. posted by sbogill on February 10, 2003 at 22:53:51:

Here are a couple of links to photographs of some of the store fronts that commonly come up in lists of low price dealers. As I said in the title, take it for what it's worth. Personally, I found it "interesting".

As for B&H being the cheapest - no, they're not. When I bought my D100 and $1999, I found store on the web that were selling them for less, down to around $1850 or so. Upon further investigation, I found that some were gray market, some where striped down out of the box (no battery charger for example) and some had shipping charges of up around $65. I also looked at the photos that are linked here and decided to go with a company that I knew I could trust (BTW the shipping was free). I actually feel a little guilt about not supporting my local economy by purchasing locally but not paying a couple hundred in sales tax eased my burden some ;).

In the end, you have to do what's right for you - just do your homework on anything that seems too good.


:I HIGHLY recommend B&H Photo and Video or Adorama Photo - both out of New York. Their web sites are and

:Wow, B & H is one of the highest priced outletts on the web for film cameras and accessories. Do have have reasonable prices on digital gear?

:I searched out some URLs by searching the archives for this group and found the site: which lead me to a number of dealers. Thanks for the reply and I'll go out and surf on B & H's site and check out their digital offerings.



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