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Re: Rosey Reds and Water clarity

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Posted by lacie143 on February 17, 2003 at 14:56:38:

In Reply to: Re: Rosey Reds and Water clarity posted by checker on February 17, 2003 at 11:33:00:

The answer to all this is no, i put the rosy reds in, by way of a net and a few minutes later i had cloudy water. My water is filtered and the tank is very clean

:Reasons that your water could get cloudy. Is there debris on the floor that your turtle is kicking up while chasing the fish? Is your water filtered? If it is, then a chemical clarifier should be the last thing you need. How long has it been cloudy, an hour , a day? Did you pour the fish in with the water from the pet shop? Was that water dirty?
:I put about 25 reds in my tank a week ago, i do this about once a month. It takes my guys a month or so to catch them all, there's about 12 or 13 left now. But, when I buy them, I pour them into a container and use a net to transfer them into the tank, this way I avoid putting the water from the pet shop into my tank. At every pet shop around me, there's always a couple of hundred reds in a twenty gallon tank, so even if the water doesn't look dirty, I know that it is chemically dirty, so I avoid getting it in my tank.

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