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Re: A.D. Frog compatible with P. Turtle?

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Posted by checker on February 15, 2003 at 20:05:36:

In Reply to: A.D. Frog compatible with P. Turtle? posted by lacie143 on February 15, 2003 at 14:41:04:

First you need to fill that tank at least half-way. Then put in some kind of basking set-up. If I'm not mistaken, a 10G tank is 12 or 14 inches tall. Try and put in a totally dry basking area that goes from front to back yet still lets your painted swim underneath. He might be a hatchling but he still needs as much swimming area as possible. Painteds are swimmers. They are not going to drown because the water is over their head. If you go with this set-up, a 75watt basking bulb 6 to 8 inches from the basking surface will be perfect. You're still going to need a UVB flourescent.
This is probably more info than you wanted but when you said the painted was in 2 inches of water, that told me you are very knew to water turtles.
Oh yeah, the ADF. If it looks like food, and it tastes like food, and your turtle can catch it, it will be food. The frog might be bigger than your turtle right now, but that will change quickly. So, unless ADF's tastes lousy, it will dissappear sooner or later.
I have 2 Eastern Painteds, Spike and Bandit.
Wish you luck, Checker.

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