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how about the earthworm thing!

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Posted by checker on January 15, 2003 at 21:08:28:

Now that we all told our fish stories, how about some earthworm stories. My painteds have knockdown, drag-out fights over pieces of earthworm. I cut the worms up into pieces in a futile attempt to prevent these fights. But they always seem to see the piece the other guy got, even though there is another piece a half an inch from their head. The tug-o-wars that ensue are incredible, they're all over the tank. They twist, and spin, and try to duck under each other. Finally one of them bites through the worm and it's over. Their tenacity is really impressive. When I feed them worms pieces by hand, I lift them completely out of the water by the worm, while they hold on to the worm.
If my turtles could talk, I would hear,"it's mine, it's mine, it's mine".
If I ever get a digital camera, I'll show you.

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