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Local Lizard ID?

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Posted by nate351 on July 29, 2002 at 22:51:27:

Hey everyone.
I was just camping last week outside of Vancouver, WA and playing with my youngest siblings (ages 5 and 8). As we walked along a sunny shore of a lake, I saw and caught the largest garter snake I have ever seen. I made a big fuss over running down and catching it up just like Steve Irwin (I was even in Khaki shorts), and then came back and gave a narration to the kids, teaching them aboutthe snake. As soon as I let it go, the little boy spotted a small lizard which I quickly and theatrically caught as well.

My question is that I identified it as an aligator lizard, and I have ever since been questioning that diagnosis. I rarely see lizards in the NW and the only ones I have were aligator lizards. This lizard, however, had a tail about as long as it's body, and had slightly keeled scales. It's limbs were not short and stubby, and it didn't 'slither' as much as other aligator lizards I have seen. However, it did resemble one (the head was especially aligator-like). My second thought, after proclaiming it an aligator) was that it looked almost like an iguanid. It was perhaps 6-7 inches STL. Any ideas?


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