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Pet Expo

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Posted by toyko71 on April 29, 2003 at 20:25:11:

In Reply to: Pet Expo posted by Meri on April 22, 2003 at 14:09:33:

:Just a reminder that the NJHS and Scales & Tails Rescue will be at the Super Pet Expo in Edison NJ this Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Stop by and see us!

i was there on saturday. i went to this booth and they were selling anoles as baby dragons. the guy said you didnt need to take care of him much just put the special food (that u can buy for half the price for twice the amount at a petstore) in his cage twice a week. he said u dont need lights and it was 30 bux for two anoles and a plastic critter cage. the food was 5 bux extra. i was getting really mad cause ive read that anoles need a lot more care than everyone thinks just b/c they are so inexpensive. i was also at a herp booth where there were bearded dragon babies that looked so sickly and skinny. they were very small compared to my same aged baby. the big beardie lover that i am i was horrified by their condition. then there was another herp spot which actually satisfied me. there was two nice girls that ran the booth and they helped me out and answered my questions. she had a bearded and it was about 9 months and it looked in very good shape (along with the other few iguanas and ferrets) i cant remember what they were representing but it was the new jersey herp society. i took a membership form and am goin to sign up. thanx for reading about my saturday at the pet expo. i went for reptiles more than cats and dogs but from what i saw it was a nicely run expo and i recomend going to it again. bye

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