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Some Ideas To Try . . .

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Posted by Noofle de Blub on September 05, 2002 at 20:03:22:

In Reply to: OFF TOPIC BUT I REALLY NEED SOME HELP PLEASE..... posted by spd on September 01, 2002 at 23:52:18:

OK, you have to be careful not to violate your probation and also, these idiots calling you seem like total cowards ! This sort of sucks because it rules out all the things you SHOULD do & probably would like to do . . .such as:

1). Inviting these bums over, hiding in the shadows, and then ambushing ‘em when they come over and beating their heads in with a bat

2). Meeting them on some neutral turf and beating there heads in with a bat.

3). Finding out where the heck they live, going over there, and beating there heads in with a bat

So, for want of a better idea, I suggest you just change your telephone number. Some other thoughts if you want to be a little more confrontational . . .You could tape 3 or 4 of these calls before you change the number and play them to your parole officer. Let him know that there making you crazy! Even better, when they call next time tell them you’re going to get your lawyer involved and here’s the proof you have to make your case and play ‘em some of their BS you have on tape! Maybe that will scare them off! Tell ‘em your lawyer will beat their heads in with a bat! Maybe when they’re on the phone you could beat the PHONE with a bat! It might make ya feel better.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

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