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MTV Awards and snake!

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Posted by Robert Sposato on September 07, 2001 at 09:11:09:

Hey, I was wondering if anyone saw the MTV music awards last night? Britney Spears was on and did a musical number that included some animals. PETA (and you know they had to have something to say) went nuts over her having three Tigers in the act (all three were locked up in cages on the set) and reported to start boycotting her records if she used the tigers. Well, she used the tigers and also, she used a 8 to 9 maybe 10 foot Albino Burm! She wrapped the burm over her shoulders and danced around the stage. Now I have two questions: # 1. Why wasn't PETA causing an uproar about the use of the snake and #2. Did you (or would you) have a problem with her using the snake in her act? I have to tell you it was a really nice looking Burm and I guess it helped to see a beautiful girl with a beautiful snake around her, so in all honesty, I didn't mind! What's your opinion?

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