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probably too late

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Posted by Marla on May 14, 2003 at 00:18:34:

In Reply to: axolotl stressed? posted by frog1979 on May 02, 2003 at 19:16:07:

generally speaking, when an axy is floating on it's side, it's a goner. i doubt this will help, but i'll give you some info, in the hopes that maybe someone else might find it useful or not repeat the same mistake. firstly, never EVER keep fish in with axolotls, other than feeders you have bred yourself, to ensure that they are disease-free. the fish will harass him, and he wil try and eat them. second- if you are using an undergravel filte,r you probably have gravel, which is also a mistake. axolotls feed via suction, and if food is on the substrate, the substrate goes in with the food. if the gravel is small, they can pass it. i would bet your axolotl has died (presuming it's dead) from eating a piece of gravel it can't pass, and it may have ruptured it's internal organs trying. floating sideways is also a sign of some aquatic sicknesses, and not all medication that is safe for fish is safe for amphibians, i recommend the protocols suggested by the indiana university's axolotl colony, (i.e., salt soaks, cooler temperatures, and possibly low doses of certain antibiotics). in addition, i respectfully disagree with the other fellow who repiled to your post, as i think that high water levels are not a problem. it's better, with such levels, to have plants to facillitate getting to the surface with greater ease. so long as you have good water quality (and with goldfish and an undergravel filter, you wouldn't), which is easier to regulate the larger the quantity of water, high water levels are not a problem.

frankly, when you got an axolotl, you should have done more research. it sounds like this poor guy was kept under very poo conditions for an axolotl. all you need to do is search the web, or even this forum, using the search at the top of the page. i wish people would take more responsibility when it comes to pet care.

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