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Posted by EdK on May 02, 2003 at 12:13:32:

In Reply to: Rough Skin Newt Problem posted by EdK on May 02, 2003 at 09:33:49:

According to Kevin, there has been one record of a reproductive neoplasm in Caudata (axolotl) and no other records of the sort discussed in Amphibian Medicine and Captive Husbandry. However he also qualifed the answer by pointing out that anurans are the most commonly kept amphibian species and at some point these sort of problems may be discovered in them but so far all of the examples of ovarian cysts are in anurans.

:I guess I wasn't clear in my response... Caudates are known to hold the eggs (a form of egg retention but not as defined by the section in the book as adhesions do not form) until suitable conditons are found for oviposition (sometimes for years, but will then readily deposit the eggs if hormonally stimulated) however there are no cases of "ovarian cysts" recorded for this group of animals (or gymnophiona) that I am aware of and I did send and e-mail to Kevin and I just have to wait until he gets a chance to reply.
:And yes this is the same person and the holding of the eggs can cause abdominal swelling that may be mistaken for bloat, so I stand by that statment as well.

::Although it pertains mostly towards anurans, the article refers to amphibians in general, which is precicely why I never said anything about it being proven in caudates.

::By the way, is this the same Ed that wrote the similar arcitle for Caudatecental saying that egg retention is found in caudates. I think the article is title Bloat in Newts. Here's an interesting quote from that article:

::"Constipation, egg retention and ovulation usually only involve the abdominal region close to the cloaca or, at most, the torso of the affected caudate"



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