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Breeding Tiger Salamanders

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Posted by mike_edwardes on May 01, 2003 at 09:55:13:

In Reply to: Breeding Tiger Salamanders posted by Rick Gordon on April 30, 2003 at 12:29:55:

:I was curious as to what methods are being used to breed these.
:I have bred them in the past using lhrh hormones and I was wondering if anyone has had success breeding them naturally.
:I have just ordered six of them and would like to try breeding them without dishing out 200 bucks for the hormones. I think a rain chamber might work, has anyone tried that?

The problem is that A.tigrinum breeds naturally in large aggregations at ancestral spawning ponds, in which an excess of males compete for females – this competitive behavior appears to be an essential trigger for spawning. So you're going to need a large group. The next problem is that the males are quite territorial, so you're going to need a huge area to accommodate all the males you need to get the females in the mood – see the problem? Could be done in a huge outdoor enclosure (e.g. a garden) , but this is not likely to happen in a vivarium and there are no authenticated records of non-hormone induced true captive spawning. Shame.
Mike Edwardes Tropicals

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