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more axolotl questions..

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Posted by Marla on April 24, 2003 at 04:35:21:

In Reply to: more axolotl questions.. posted by Zach on April 22, 2003 at 09:08:03:

are you kidding- i love answering questions/talking about axolotls! i'm obsessed with them, and they're the only amphibian i really know much about! (i know a bit about bombina orientalis, and i'm a leopard gecko fan, but that doesn't count, i suppose)... [axolotl thesis due to registrar in nine days and counting...]

when you say "corner filter" do you mean the bubble-through foam type? i keep fish too, and i know from experience that those things are total crap. an external, over-the-side filter is what i use, i just turn the intake down (you can do that w/whispers), so that my bebes don't stress too much. alternatively, you can just buy a really small 'mini' filter. if you only have 1 axolotl in a 10 gallon, you will only need a wee bit of filtration (assuming your tank is full). two is the 'normal number for a 10 gallon, and then i'd recommend a whisper size 1. don't try keeping more than two (permanently) adults in a 10 gallon.

with the plants- they have to be weighted, as without gravel, they'll float. though i'm sure axys (especially albinos) would love floating plants for the shade. they also tend to barrel around and slam into things if they get excited. i definitely recommend against gravel, makes it easier to clean anyway. i'd say use big rocks or slate from an aquarium store. the clay pot sounds ideal for a place for the little guys to hide from the current, and get shade from the light.

as for food, i think salmon pellets are the best, but a lot of people have used beef liver with a lot of success. personally, my own axy (Googly) hates the stuff, i'm not sure why... i also (at home) use sinking wafers (from hikari), sinking shrimp pellets, salamander and newt bites, and some other random stuff. worms are great, though really huge ones are sometimes too big for juvenile axys. the more you feed them, the more they will poo. and the warmer they are, the more they will need to eat (and thus, poo). if you have a pipet or a small net, you can 'pooper-scoop' after them, and their tank stays quite clean. also, you can hand-feed them if you have the time, but they look so cute when they're sniffing around the bottom. some of the axolotls at my lab used to be fed entirely on crickets, and most of them died, before i got my hands on them. though i'm sure they're good as a treat, i strongly recommend not feeding crickets as a substandtial portion of the diet. you either have to hand feed them (same with dried krill), or they have to learn to take them from the surface, which is more difficult the deeper (and thus, easier to maintain) the water level. also- just as an aside, i recommend getting a tiny little air pump and airstone, just because a little bit more oxygenation never hurt anyone. have fun!! =)

:Sorry about these questions, but I just have a few.

:-I have an external power filter or a corner filter available now, which would you recommend?
:-My setup is going to be 10 gallon tank, a clay pot, some other hides, no gravel, some aquatic plants. That should good?
:-Feeding-pellets,worms,beef liver?

:Thanks for your help all!


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