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tankmates compatability!!

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Posted by blazehope on April 21, 2003 at 23:44:49:

In Reply to: tankmates compatability!! posted by fenris on April 21, 2003 at 22:44:14:

As I am sure you will hear many times over, please don't mix species. The internet is full of horror stories about frogs eating newts and catfish killing newts because of their whiskers. A common scenario that I have read about has to do with fire bellied toads killing fire-bellied newts. Also keep in mind that newt have toxic secretions on their skin that can kill other animal who consume them. Lastly, I am very sorry to tell you all of this because I know how hard it is to have a sparse tank and yours sounds spectacular to me and I am sure any creature would be lucky to live there, but the only thing I can suggest is pick a species that you are most interested in and keep many. also please check out Caudate Central for all kinds of info on species mixing.
:hi i have a 55 gallon tank here's the setup: i started with one of those half land half water viquariums with the creek and the waterfall then spent like 80 bucks on all the gravel to make the land side. then i bought a foam underwater thing with a big built in cave that sits right against the glass so you can see in off ebay it fits snug on all sides in a ten gallon so in my 55 it fits good on three sides then it slopes down into the water meeting with gravel at the end of the foam. the waters edge just meets the top of the foam thing so my tank is 1/3 marshy soft land 1/3 7" deep water with a gravel bottom and 1/3 gravel land with small interconnected pools. i then added two small split leaf philodendrons and a four foot grow bulb one philodendron is growing into the gravel land part and dropping mangrove-like roots into the small pools and the other's roots are digging into the foam and becoming root bound. as they grow i bend them twards each other and soon they'll attach and drop vine-roots into the middle water part. then i bought an air pump and pumped air into the underwater cave then regulated escaping air by poking tiny holes into the foam roof. last i added a submersable heater and an under gravel heat pad so the tank allways stays roughly 82 degrees. i also reciently added a duetto dj50 cause i tryd to establish a bunch of living moss but the warm water just killed it and mucked up the water. ok so now you know what my tank looks like. here's what i put in it. first my little brothers fire belly newt i bought for him last year. he's a very happy (and fat!!) camper with his luxerous air pressurized cave and root forest to climp upon. then i added a few guppys from my dads pond that i catch for him and feed him along with tubifex worms then came a corydoras catfish which is a tiny guy never will get bigger than an inch. after that i wanted a terrestrial animal cause at that time my newt never really left from patroling the deeper water (he patrols the whole tank now!) so i decided to go with a firebelly frog. who is now extreamly well fed off of huge guppys that i put in the creek that he spends most of his time in. he now eats tubifex worms too. ok next i purchased a mudskipper whick is a fish that is ugly as hell and frequently ventures on land in search of god knows what. he is pretty high strung and bolts twards the underwater cave some times rudely running into the newt at first sight of fast moving humans but he's starting to calm down, he only eats tubifex worms. then i still felt the tank looked a bit bare so i decided to add a foot long rubber worm eel just cause of the seeming similaritys he has with the newt and frog. i have soo much gravel that i haven't seen him in over 2 weeks. every once in a while i see him moving through the gravel though so i know he's still alive. he allways seems to show up right under a spot that i recently released tubifex worms into the gravel. ok last but not least is one betta that scoots around in the small interconnected pools on the gravel land side rubbing up against the roots and generally enjoying swamp life and harassing the lone defenceless guppy that i put in there for him to call his b!tch, he also serves as the newt's guard dog when the newt visits the small pools by hearding the guppy into super shallow water where the newt or the frog grub on it (i know i woulden't believe the betta would do it eather unless i saw it which i did!!)

:so that's my tank. what i want to know from you is where do i go from here? i think i could get something else if it spends most of it's time on land or if it'll spend equal time everywhere. and also if there are any unhealthy aspects of my tank like for instance i've heard firebelly frogs are toxic to others what's up with that? mine's been in this tank for months and noone is looking the least bit sick.

:sorry for such a long post i am just trying to give an accurate picture of my tank.
:so gimme your thoughts!

:thanks, fenris

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