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Posted by FroggieB on May 02, 2003 at 23:02:32:

In Reply to: babies!! posted by tegra on May 02, 2003 at 17:30:36:

The droplets of water are a good thing. The eggs sweat just before they pip. Once the baby pips, don’t be surprised if it takes 2-3 days before he comes out. Sometimes they take their sweet time!

I would give them crickets that are about 1/8" give or take. Too small and they won't notice them and too large isn't good either. Use the no longer than 1/2 the width of the head rule for crickets and make sure you dust them occasionally. I really recommend Sticky Tongue Farms Miner-al I for the growing babies.

Mealworms can be a bit longer but make sure they are small. I wouldn't give any longer that this line _____ .

I suppose if you have super worms that small they would be OK as would any worm about the size of the line I made above. For other feeder possibilities check my caresheet. Click Here

I doubt that they will eat before the yolk sac is absorbed but it is hard to say. These guys seem to be born with voracious appetites so I usually provide food right away. If they aren’t ready to eat no harm as long as the insects stay in a shallow dish. I use moist paper towels at first until there is no sign of yolk sac. Use a shallow dish for water. Check my post below and you will see how I have set mine up.

And by the way, Congratulations!!

So, I don’t recall, are you here in the USA?

Hope to be seeing lots of baby updates ; )


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