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Gollum update...

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Posted by lizard queen on April 03, 2003 at 16:17:20:

sorry it's taken me so long to post an update on my little's been busy around here! Gollum is doing very well and munching on earthworms and waxworms, and continuing to put on weight :)
over the weekend i was visiting a petsmart in another town, and noticed a couple MHD's there, both males. one was in very bad shape, but the smaller one looked so good that if i didn't know any better, he could almost be mistaken for CB! he was missing his horns, but otherwise is in great shape and not underweight at all. he was nearly identical in size to my little 8" Gollum, so i decided to bring him home as a future mate for her.
once he settled in to his new home, i quickly discovered that he has quite the attitude! every time he catches a glimpse of me he flares out his dewlap, his colors brighten, and his eyes turn bright red! i'm sure that if he could somehow manage to breathe fire, i would be charred to a crisp! when i get too close, he gapes his little mouth in a threat display, and sometimes i grab a waxworm and stick it in his open mouth. then he just glares evilly as he crunches up his treat! i'm sure he would be a pretty intimidating dragon if he was any larger than his puny 7" ;)
he is quite the feisty little guy, but it looks like he is adjusting well to his new home. he is eating and drinking well, and seems to be happy as long as i don't forget who is the boss around here ;)
i wanted to think of a good name for him that came from the LOTR like Gollum's name...and because of his evil little temperament, he is going to be Balrog ;)

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