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For FR on ropes cage....

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Posted by Todd G. on May 05, 2003 at 18:53:11:

I agree in general that an enclosed cage in (infront)of a large window would be in danger of overheating.
In ropes set up, the cage has hardware cloth on the inside that opens into his heated room at an ambient temp. of like 80 degrees.
So I would be surprised if the cage would get too hot.

I think the most important thing to note is that the substrate is up to 2 feet thick over a concrete pad floor.
Just by tunneling down 5-6 inches, the animals will be able to get cool.
And probably it will stay no warmer than 68 degrees on even the hottest days down deep near the concrete floor.
As you said, dumerils have no problem digging.

I do agree dumerils like to dig and soak ALOT.
But.. they are good climbers if given the enviroment.
Many LTC dumerils CAN'T be good climbers because they are too fat and in poor condition due to diet.
As I have said before.. water dishes on shelves up high in a cage attracted mine like squrrels to a bird feeder.
Mine always would soak in those large pyrex caserole dishes up 3-5 feet on shelves choosing that over the 5 gal. concrete mixing tubs that were on the floor of the cage.
I will note that they would come down to totally immerse (and poop)in the larger pools at night.
Also, the female dumerils laid eggs in a nest box on a shelf 3 ft up regularly.

But in Billy's case, I think the dumerils will do good in the set up.
He will be using a Raytek gun to monitor temps everywhere in the cage and it will be intersting if he posts the temp variations for us for that set-up.
Todd G.

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