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does he have a health problem that needs deworming???

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Posted by The_Reptile_Boy on May 01, 2003 at 23:08:01:

In Reply to: does he have a health problem that needs deworming??? posted by SHvar on May 01, 2003 at 21:37:42:

:The reason I ask is that parasites do not kill their host or use much food from their digestive system. The medication to deworm (as a warning) can cause liver or kidney damage to the animal. I say this because Ive had it happen a few times over the years. I stopped worrying about parasites because every monitor I dont get treated survived and is healthy. Its something to think about because some vets are out to get a few bucks for the deworming while your there for the check up. If the animal has a clean fecal exam there is no reason to ever treat it. That and a common source for pinworms are feeder crickets. Make sure the vet is a very knowledgeable herp vet (check the ARAV web site).

Oh really? Thanks for the information! He goes to the vet tomorrow, I checked his poop twice, and both had worms. Is it safe for a hatchling about 4" to not get de-wormed? He seems active, and alert, but I`m just concerned what type of worm it is. I don`t know if he ate crickets before I got him, so yeah. But thanks for the info all the same! I really appreciate it.

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