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Posted by Bloodbat on April 30, 2003 at 17:46:30:

In Reply to: can i feed my water monitor a baby possum? posted by BlkDm0n on April 30, 2003 at 00:47:06:

A four foot monitor should not have a problem eating a baby possum.

As for parasites, there is probably very little to be concerned about. I believe that the concern about feeding roadkill and wild animals is overblown. I've known quite a few people who have fed roadkill animals with no apparent detrimental effects to their animals. I think the concern is more in our heads than a real problem. A healthy monitor can deal with just about anything it eats. I have also been told by several biology people (and vets) that the likelihood of parasite transmission between a mammal to a reptile is slim as many parasites are incompatible or some such biological term. That said, I do not give my animals wild animal foods because I dwell on the "what ifs." Sometimes though, people dwell too much on what ifs.

As for the cruelty (the kitten reference by someone else), that is mostly for you to decide. What makes an opposum a "better" animal than a rat and less "deserving" to be a food item? The only answer is people's opinions. However, I would be careful in using "higher" mammals. Animal control people might not care too much that you use rats for food, but if they get complaints that a local person is rounding up possums and feeding them to a "giant lizard" you might have animal cruelty laws to contend with.

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