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Terry, opinion please

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Posted by BrianS. on May 06, 2003 at 00:20:45:

I have a pair of adult female hondurans het for albino. They have double clutched for me the last 2 years. This year they were in the best condition ever for breeding, had a good brumation and ate like pigs and put on great weight. I used a het male in the past and the clutches were great, maybe one or two slugs. This year I have a male albino that I used. He is 2 years old and a little over 3 feet. He hasn't put on adult full weight yet but he seemed big enough to breed. I put him in with the girls and he went right at them. I made sure he knew what he was doing and it seemed fine. He bred them both consistantly. I did everything the same as years past. My first female laid a clutch of 10 slugs yesterday and the 2nd female is laying slugs right now. I know a lot of factors can affect it, but it seems to me it has to be the male since both girls are proven and both are laying slugs. My question is, should I try the 2nd clutch with this male again. I would like to use the albino male for obvious reasons. Or should I just wait til next year and use the proven het male to try for a 2nd clutch. Could it be he just didn't know what he was doing yet since it was his 1st attempt and maybe he could be successful at a 2nd clutch. I am frustrated because I have always had great luck with breeding hondurans but admittedly the males have always been a little bigger. He really should be big enough, but maybe just inexperienced? It really stinks to have such a big clutch of 10 eggs be no good, let alone I am going to miss dealing with the hatchlings. Let me know what you think and thanks in advance.

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