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Re: lots of diff methods will work. here's one...

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Posted by blueharlequin on April 21, 2003 at 17:12:44:

In Reply to: lots of diff methods will work. here's one... posted by rtdunham on April 19, 2003 at 18:26:21:

Thank you very much. My concern was in fact about the female getting the munchies. It looks like I've pretty much been following your advice already, so I'll just stick with it. And I had read about that first anerythristic getting killed in your excellent article in Reptiles last year or whenever that was. Thanks for that too!

:if you don't see positive action within half an hour, i'd remove them and try again in 2-3 days. when they're ready, they're ready. so if he's not pursuing, or she's fleeing and whipping her tail around violently, why leave them together in hopes they'll force it? just separate them, try again later til you hit the time when they're both ready. works for me.

:this method is particularly useful if you're trying to breed the male x multiple females. but it also serves a purpose since hondos are lampropeltis so there's always at least a little risk of one eating the other. with those exceptions, sure, you could leave them for days at a time, separating them to feed,. Keep in mind feeding can leave rodent scent on the snakes: the first anerythristic in the country was raised to breeding age, fed separately and returned to a cage of females, and -- just before it would have been bred -- one of them killed it. There's a lesson there for us all!



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