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Re: Rubbermaids for milks? Will they get out?

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Posted by oldherper on April 06, 2003 at 19:31:40:

In Reply to: Re: Rubbermaids for milks? Will they get out? posted by Pondoris on April 01, 2003 at 10:30:10:

::Hey all,
::Im about to move into my new reptile room. But I need to be able to house as many herps as possable in a small space. So im looking at rubbermaids on shelfs for my colubrids. But I had a goni kingsnake get out of one a few weeks ago (I found him) and im worried that my two foot milk snake will do the same. My kings were 4 foot also, but I left one end of the rubbermaid unlatched. Well any help would be great!


:As with any housing, SECURITY is a top priority. As you said with the goini. . .one side wasn't latched. . .the snake could have escaped from most any container that had an unsecured top. I use rubbermaids for some colubrids and have never had a problem. . .but I am very careful and sometimes triple check the locking mechanisms. Human error is a common occurance and where husbandry problems begin.


All you really have to do is build the shelf system so that the Rubbermaid container with the lid on fits perfectly between the shelves. Drill your vent holes around the sides of the Rubbermaid containers. If you are using the rubbermaid containers (or Sterilite) with the locking handles at each end, then you don't have a problem as long as you remember to lock it.

I have one rack system that holds 18 of the smaller Sterilite shoeboxes in the top 3 shelves, 12 of the Sterilite sweater boxes on the next 3 shelves, and 3 of the big locking Sterilite sweater boxes on the bottom shelf (or four 5 gal aquariums with screen tops). I just spaced the shelves to that the boxes with the lids on fit with just a little friction between the shelves. Then I used masonite pegboard for a ventilated back and 3" heat tape along the back edge of each shelf for heating/thermal gradient. The rack is 12" deep, 48" high and 49 1/2 inches wide and holds a total of 33 cages, plus I keep a Hovabator and a 10 Gallon aquarium on top of it.

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