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Re: PLEASE! Shed help question!!!

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Posted by jeph on March 17, 2003 at 13:23:35:

In Reply to: PLEASE! Shed help question!!! posted by tuumi on March 17, 2003 at 09:51:19:

First, do not leave it on, it can lead to some serious problems. When you say you peeked off all the skin except the first inch, I'm assuming the old skin is still on the head and neck area and around the eyes ?, if so, that is the hardest places to get it from, the best way to remove it from the eyes-(I'm not saying this is the best way, but the way I've done it before) is to wet the end of a q-tip with some warm water, very gentlly rub in a circular motion around the eye till it starts to come off, sometimes it might take a few trys, if after a few minutes-( which could get frustrating if the snake keeps trying to get away and you dont get a good try at it) wait another day or so before trying it again. As for the head and neck area, let him soak-(as you said you've done before) for about 30-40 minutes in a shoe box container with warm water, and try to remove it after wards, it might take a little whilr but try as hard as you can to get it off, I've never had a snake have old skin on it for more than a couple days but I've heard that old skin can be a cause for a mite out-break. Well good and I hope this helps you.
Jeff Teel

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