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Baby Sinaloan advice, please!

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Posted by GunillaMolly on March 02, 2003 at 13:53:21:

We are going through some traumatic experience in our family. It all started back in December when my daughter Molly got a corn snake for her ninth birthday. Two moths later we found it dead in its water bowl with a lump on its body. It had eaten fine every week until then, but that morning it had refused its food. We waited two weeks for a reptile fair to come to town and got Molly a Sinaloan Milk Snake from LLL this time. After getting the snake I started reading up on it and I suppose I should have done that prior to getting the milk snake instead. Could someone please give us advice on the following issues:
1. We have a ten-gallon tank with the bottom covered with Aspen bedding that the reptile guy recommended. The milk snake goes under it all the time though. Is this the correct bedding for a milk snake? We also have a branch for it to climb on and a hiding spot.
2. We have a heating pad and a 75 W red lamp on the same side of the tank. The temperature on the hot side is 77-78 degrees. Is this too cold? If it is, how can we make it warmer?
3. I read that it should be humid. Is it enough to have its water bowl and spray the tank twice a day to get enough humidity?
4. We tried to feed it a defrosted pink mouse yesterday but it would not touch it. I called LLL and asked them and they said to stop handling the snake for several weeks until it has eaten at least 2-3 times. Also to put it in a brown paper bag together with the pinkie overnight in a couple of days. Does this sound right? He also said that the snake could go without food for several months without suffering. The snake is a little bit over a foot long - 3 months old maybe?
5. A couple of days ago it started shedding. It only lost the skin from its head. This morning a little bit more came off but the major part of the snake is covered in dry skin. Do we need to help it get it off? I read on the forum about putting it in water for 10 minutes and then help rubbing it off. If we are not meant to handle it for a month would this not be a bit traumatic for the snake?
6. We are keeping the new milk snake in the same tank and with the same accessories as the old corn snake. I never thought about bacteria or anything. Molly cleaned the tank out, but it might not have been good enough and the branch and hiding spot are still the same. The water bowl was cleaned properly. Anything we should do about that now?

We would be so grateful if someone could spare some time and answer these questions. Thank you!
Gunilla and Molly.

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