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tangerine feeding and temperament

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Posted by nategodin on February 14, 2003 at 08:44:55:

In Reply to: In my 3 honduran collection (very small)... posted by munchkins on February 14, 2003 at 06:45:54:

Sounds like your tangerine hondos have an impressive feeding response, and growth rate... again, much like black milks. How are their temperaments? I've read that hondos, especially neonates, can be surly little critters... do you think that your tangerines are calmer and easier to handle than your tricolor? It's hard to draw any conclusions for sure, especially since you probably don't know how much your tricolor was handled when he was younger, but if tangerines are calm like black milks and andeans, it would tend to support the theory that they are also from high altitudes.


:my rescue tricolor is only 3 foot long and he is at least 4-5 years old. Of course, that could be that he wasn't fed right at the beginning. But he won't take food at weekly intervals, he insists on 10-14 days cycles. And he won't eat if he is going into shed. One of my tangerine hondurans is pretty big at 30 months or so. I think he is about 42 inches long. He will eat every week like clockwork, even while in shed. I also have a 20 month old female tangerine who is getting up there. She is almost 34 inches long, and has the same eating patterns as the other tangerine.

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