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Re: typical PrehistoricPets ad...

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Posted by SSCHIND on February 05, 2003 at 22:13:35:

In Reply to: typical PrehistoricPets ad... posted by nategodin on February 05, 2003 at 15:03:14:

You have to remember that prehistoric pets is a retail outlet. they are not breeders. They buy from others, mark up the price and resell. Just like I do. The difference is that I would not waste my time or money posting like they do. Why? simply, why would anyone buy off the net for 125.00 when they could get the same thing for 75 or even less. On the other hand, it only costs them 110.00 (or something like that) per year for tons of exposure. Even if they don't sell a lot of animals they are getting their name out there and for that they are certainly getting their money's worth. 3 posts per day per forum probably 15 or 20 posts highlighted getting thousands of hits per day. pretty good exposure for the money if you ask me. Now, how much the high prices negatively effects their exposure is not known. Obviously not enough or they wouldn't be posting.

Another thing to keep in mind. If you are a gambler, and don't mind taking a chance on buying a snake sight unseen or maybe from a picture, then you can have a great deal of success on the web. if on the other hand you like to be able to hold and touch, and feel and see in person the animals you are buying then the extra 50 bucks might be worth it to you. It is to most of my customers. And believe it or not I sell many snakes cheaper than you can get them on the web.

Steve Schindler

:They always have high prices and generic pictures. That picture is most likely not the actual snake they have their sale, but the same one they use for every ad for tangerine hondos. You'd think if they were going to use the same pictures over and over in their ads, they'd at least photograph their nicest looking animals.

:Anyway, I enjoy browsing the classifieds just to see what's out there and what the current market prices are, but I don't even bother to look at PrehistoricPets ads anymore.


::ad in the classifieds?
:: Isnt that a little steep for a tangerine honduran? Especially with that much black tipping? I had a tangerine 3 years ago, that I paid $75 for, and it didnt have hardly any black tipping. Just seems kind of high for a tangerine.


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