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Some pros and cons...

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Posted by chrish on February 03, 2003 at 21:47:06:

In Reply to: Black Milk or Mexican Milk? posted by ballyhoo1887 on February 03, 2003 at 15:04:48:

Black Milk -
- get large
- easy to feed from egg to adult
- big spectacular animals as adults
- easy to handle

Cons -
- get large (more expensive to feed and house!)
- go through ugly maturation phase (between tricolor and black)
- more expensive to buy, house, and feed

Mexican Milk -
Pros -
- smaller (2-3 feet)
- never get too large to eat mice
- more brightly colored as adults
- inexpensive to buy
- inexpensive to house (never really outgrow a 10 gallon)

Cons -
- babies could be harder to feed
- some are better looking than others

Even though it sounds like I prefer annulata, I don't. Black Milks are simply incredible animals and I enjoy mine much more than I ever enjoyed keeping any other subspecies of Milksnake.
As long as you are willing to commit the time, money, and space, Black Milks are superior.

And if you ever breed them, black milks are a heck of a lot easier to get rid of as babies than Mex Milks (which are frankly a dime a dozen).

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