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You don't have to take them off the sand............

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Posted by LeoEyes on May 11, 2003 at 14:21:03:

In Reply to: You don't have to take them off the sand............ posted by bradley on May 10, 2003 at 21:25:25:

I disagree about the risk factor (but that is my opion). The risk factor from impaction is very real, some geckos are more prone then others but its still there. Also it really doesnt take very much sand to impact a leo, their digestive tract is so tiny that even a few mouthfulls will severly impact them (this does depend on the leo though, some can eat lots without any problem and some get impacted on the first mouthful). Untimitly the desicion is the owners whether to use and or not but its a good idea to know the risks so you can either prevent them or watch for any signs of impaction.

As long as your leos are eating and pooing normaly (and not passing any sand) and they get plenty of calcium and eat out of a bowl they should be ok. but bear in mind that there is still a risk.

Signs of impaction are loss of appetite, and little or no pooing, bloating, lethary, and swollen abdomine. Remeber ussually impaction involves many of these sympthoms. I just put this down for your reference and not to scare you :-]. Just something to keep in mind.

Also at this point your geckos look healthy, i love the bulb tail, lol. Also offer as many mealworms as they will eat. It could be that right now they are not going through a growth stage so they "stocking up" :-] for the next growth spurt. btw I really like the little "rock stack" you have in there, very cool.


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