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Posted by azteclizard on May 10, 2003 at 16:08:01:

In Reply to: well... posted by WaxWormFan on May 10, 2003 at 14:09:39:

The word Murder is used when refering to killing people. Beside the comment being a stretch, I don't understand why you would even say it. Is it murder then everytime you throw those poor mealworms into the leos cage?


:The traditional way yields a more successful hatch rate.

:The method of pumping up the temperature increases egg mortality, before factoring in deformities some have reported. It may not be cheating, but depending on your definition of when life starts it could be considered murder (yes this is a stretch and no i don't want to get into that debate, but i wanted to make the point).

::but still wouldn't be that be like making the temperture higher, except your making it lower? I believe Ron Tremper has tried incbating high, then lowering it. In the FAQ it says that it they will be even darker because all of the pigments will concetrete. So when incbating for male the "traditional way" and you lower the temperture after two weeks but then when you turn it around its cheating because your making your geckos brighter? I guess its because this isn't what traditionally is done.


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