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Help! Gecko sick or pregnant?

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Posted by geeboo on May 09, 2003 at 00:28:33:

In Reply to: Help! Gecko sick or pregnant? posted by daisy88 on May 08, 2003 at 22:39:07:

yes, female leos will reduce eating almost to stopping sometimes when gravid. Make sure she has a bowl of calcium. She could lay soon. I would use a butter dish or glad container with a hole in the side big enouph for her to fit through about and inch or so up off the bottom. Put an inch of vermiculite,bed-a-beast,forest floor,peat moss or unfertilized potting soil in the bottom. Keep this moist. She will dig and lay her eggs in this. Do you have an incubator ready? Go to and look under how to incubate to see how to set up for your eggs when you get them. This is the best way I have found yet. She will be laying soon, possible as soon as 2 weeks after breeding. So get ready now.

:Hello everyone. I'm new to kingsnake and I've read through a couple messages but I'm having a bit of a problem. I have a male and female leo that have recently been seen mating, but my problem is this: My female leo is not eating but she seems to be getting fat. Could she be sick or is she not eating because she may be expecting?

:If there is the possiblity the she is expecting does anyone have recommendations on how to build a nesting box for her to lay eggs? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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