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A few questions

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Posted by geeboo on May 07, 2003 at 22:57:07:

In Reply to: A few questions posted by ChamsJB on May 07, 2003 at 21:09:30:

I prefer like one third of the cage het to at leat 88 degrees night and day. The rest going down from there to room temp. I don't really like calcium with D3. I just use a d3 added vitamin supplement once a week. There is some controversy over the D3 thing too much is bad and too little is bad. Leos being nocturnal don't require it in the larger qaunities as sun loving animals such as Chameleons. There are so many differnt doseages of it in things now days and no actual proven data on amounts though that it is a shady subject. Miner-all, bone-aid, Calcium 2.0 I have used them all with good success with a weekly dose of Repto-cal vitamin supplement with D3. I am looking into that new product Leopard Gecko Dust ICB by T-Rex looks to be good stuff.

:Hi ive been into herps for several years now but havent ever owned a leo until now, I have a few questions that i came up with because different caresheets said different conflicting things. I just fed him for the first time ( i havent measured him yet but will soon) he ate 8 or 9 crix i dusted a few with rep-cal Calcium + VitD3 powder (phos free) but a caresheet I read said it didnt recommend vitd3 and calcium combo powders. What do you guys think? Also I have a heatpad in the corner heating like a 3"x5" section of the tank. Is this enough for at night? Thanks, John.

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