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Posted by Herper on May 05, 2003 at 18:05:02:

In Reply to: took the money and ran... a lot of people would love to know posted by WaxWormFan on May 05, 2003 at 16:12:31:

Closer to the truth is that he just wasn't able to make money with his retail store. Yes, he tried some "creative" ways to generate income like taking money for future offspring, but who were the people who put up advance money for animals that didn't even exist yet? His last store was really decked out nicely, all his displays were custom made and he looked like he really wanted to go big. Then a series of tragic events happened all at the same time. His store was broken into and he lost 7 very expensive snakes among other things, abour #35,000 worth, other thing started dissappearing from his backroom like a pied leopard gecko for one. Then after throwing a promotional babecue one Memorial Day weekend, he was kicked out of the store he had just sank all that time and money into.
It's not quite as simplistic as those who really don't know would have you believe.

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