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Re: Kentucky herp laws

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Posted by KRZ on March 28, 2003 at 20:08:24:

In Reply to: Kentucky herp laws posted by jacobtucker on March 25, 2003 at 21:14:41:

You should be aware that Lexington has a dangerous animal ordinance. You are not allowed to keep a monitor lizard, crocodilian, large constrictor, or venomous species in Lexington. While KY does not have a state law, several localities do have laws and it is advisiable to always check with the city and county as well as the state.
Also, just because it is not illegal to take animals from the wild does not mean it is a good idea. Why capture a wild animal when captive-born ones are readily available and healthier to maintain in captivity? We as a community should promote conservation, not taking anything we can, just because we can.
Best regards,
Kristen Wiley

:My family lives in Northern Indiana and were thinking about moving to Lexington Kentucky. I own a Savannah monitor and a leopard gecko and plan on breeding several types of herps eventually. My question is, are there any herp laws in kentucky that differ from indiana that I need to know about?

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