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Re: WC ball pythons and the import trade

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Posted by reed on March 16, 2003 at 11:17:10:

In Reply to: Re: WC ball pythons sold as CB...unethical treatment posted by StephanieA on March 10, 2003 at 17:30:58:

I'd say that contacting local animal control is only a small-time fix. If you want your voice to be heard, contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife and ask them to start screening imported ball pythons for parasites and other pathogens. Between 1989 and 2000, over 366,000 ball pythons were imported from Africa - I suspect that less than 10% of these animals live for more than 2 years. It is likely that this rate of import is sustainable for the African populations given current "ranching" of snakes, but the issue of introduced pathogens is serious and has not been adequately addressed with regard to potential threats to native snake species.


:I know this is terrible to say, but it is probably a bad idea to buy the animals off the store. I've been in the exact same situation and felt incredibly compelled to buy the animals and give them some chance at life. However, I'm scared that by doing that I would be reinforcing the system and making space so they can hurt even more animals. I say if you really really want to buy the animals, then go ahead and do it. The best solution is to call animal control and get some action against these people happening.
:I'm glad there are people in this world who actually do care about what happens to these poor creatures.

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