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FL - Jacksonville rewrites pet laws

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Posted by Buzztail1 on February 23, 2003 at 20:10:24:

Jacksonville, Florida is preparing to go to City Council for a vote concerning the proposed new pet laws. While this doesn't sound so bad, one of the tenets of the proposed revision requires that anyone who has turtles to sell, trade or give away must provide documentation proving that the Chief Medical Examiner of the state of origin has examined the turtles and warrants them to be free from salmonella.
That is pretty much like warranting a human to be free from Escheria coli - in other words they are asking a single person - the highest medical person in the state to say that turtles are free from being turtles.
The enforcement clauses are extremely interesting as they provide an incredible amount of latitude to animal control officers to come on your property and search.
The document can be found in its entirety at the Jacksonville Herp Society's home page.
Oh just to let you know that this can happen to you...
The officer creating this revision was recruited from the San Diego area to come clean up the pet trade in Jacksonville. When he is done there, will your neighborhood be next?
Stop by and check it out.
Karl H. Betz

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