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Re: I to will be sending a reply to this city...( draft )

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Posted by mchambers on February 03, 2003 at 11:43:03:

In Reply to: thanks for posting that. I live in Murrieta and need your.. posted by BenR79 on February 01, 2003 at 19:06:17:

While I don't live in your township, these rules and proposals are coming up all over the place and are also being knocked down as fast as they are proposed. Why ? because there is no legitimacy to the fact of roaming escaped reptiles running through cities streets. I am a breeder of reptiles ( mostly snakes ) and a collector. I live just outside of a township and everyone knows of my keeps. I do educational exhibits and talks to schools, businesses, churches, scouts, organizations, township events, and also harbor a non-academic research permit for the state of Kansas. When I do these exhibits and lectures the general population sees and understands first hand on the differance of having a pet reptile versus dog, cat, tropical fish, ferret, hanster, gerbil, bird, and so on. They see that owning a reptile has FAR less complication of ownership in ways of : food, caging, no noise, low maintenance, not nearly as harmful as all the other pets listed above, one room pet or very small area pet, soothing nerves treatment ( yes, this has been established as tropical fish do the same ). I have been married for 21 years with 2 daughters and 1 grandchild. My whole family is involoved with my reptile keeping and collecting. I have employed numerous other young people to keep reptiles as a past time that might of just kept these kids from getting into trouble of other ways. Now I urge you seek out any problems that has EVER be-fallen your city of pet problems to find ANY disturbance or harmfall events of pets or pets ownership realting to reptiles. And when you do, please check out the hospitals, doctors, animal control, or any other organization of bites, wounds, disease that has been recorded to ALL pets. Your proposal is a out right BIG BROTHER approach to restrict or pass a law where there just doesn't need to be one. You WILL make the common reptile keeper a criminal. You WILL make the keeping of reptiles a criminal act. You WILL make the reptile keeper lose some more of their rights in a country that explodes on the idea of freedom and democracy. How about banning cars or restrict the numbers of vehicles one house hold can have ? They ( cars, vans, SUVs, trucks, ) do far more damage health wise and enviroment wise then owning a few reptiles do. When was the last time you heard of the U.S. going to war over REPTILES versus OIL ?

my name, address, telephone number, e-mail address here *


:The city I live in (Murrieta, CA) has a council meeting coming up this Tuesday and on the agenda is a discussion about a reptile restriction. Some of these restrictions are no snakes over 5 ft and limiting the number you can keep. So, if you all could please e-mail the person at the link and just give your support against such a ban it would really help a lot. It doesn't matter if you don't live in this area. I should also mention the reason for the ban is based on fear that a snake will get loose and harm the public. That's quoted out of todays paper. Thanks for your help everyone.



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