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Posted by tj on January 23, 2003 at 12:45:50:

In Reply to: Dogs and Insurance posted by Samcin on January 23, 2003 at 11:21:26:

if they can target people who keep hots, then they sure as hell can target dog owners. The only difference is, they can make alot more money off the dog owners.
You don't see the ASPCA or the HSUS fighting for reptile owners rights. It's about time other people see how difficult it is to keep the animals they love.
I don't own a dog, so I don't feel bad, especially when none of the "non-profit" organizations are doing anything for reptile owners.
I know it's all about insurance companies making money, but what's fair is fair.

:This was in the ASPCA newletter:

:Many homeowners are faced with the hardship of choosing between
:keeping a beloved family dog and obtaining homeowners'
:insurance--simply because their dog is on a list of breeds that the
:insurance company has excepted from its policies.

:In California, the ASPCA is sponsoring legislation to prohibit such
:discrimination. "The insurance companies do have alternatives," says
:Jill Buckley of the ASPCA's Western Government Affairs & Public Policy
:office. "Dogs who are socialized, obedience-trained, spayed or
:neutered, and are owned by responsible people are not likely to be
:involved in a bite incident. Insurance companies should evaluate the
:dog's temperament by utilizing tests such as the Canine Good Citizen
:Test administered by the American Kennel Club."

:But insurance companies aren't just discriminating against West Coast
:canines--this is a national problem. ASPCA News Alert readers, if you
:have had difficulty in obtaining insurance based solely upon the breed
:of the dog you own--or if you know someone who has--we urge you to
:contact us and tell us your story. Please write to Jill Buckley, ASPCA
:Government Affairs and Public Policy Department, PO Box 48, Pismo
:Beach, CA 93448 or e-mail

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