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Re: I got a question about possible legal troubles

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Posted by rkreptiles on January 13, 2003 at 15:19:34:

In Reply to: I got a question about possible legal troubles posted by reptileguy777 on January 05, 2003 at 09:55:45:

Here is what I do with my shipments of Live Reptiles.

If an animal perishes I require either a clear digital image of the D.O.A. animal(s) or The dead body must be shipped back to me for verification. If the animal in fact did perish, then I either refund the money, or replace the animal. Anyone that ships Live animals should guarantee Live Arrival. If the person can not supply either A clear image or the body (My choice of which I receive) then they get no refund. I can understand the person being upset if the animals did in fact perish from the trip and they are out the money, but they MUST PROVIDE PROOF!. I hope this helps a little.

:I have this customer that I shipped snakes to that had both of them arrive doa. The total cost for the animals was $185 $150 for the snakes and $35 for shipping. I reinbursed him half ($75) of his money and paid to ship a single similiar snake to him. It apperently also died, now he is talking all this bs about sueing me and trying to get me kicked off the web site, if I do not refund the other $75 now. What are my options I feel like I am being taken for a fool. Help please...

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