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Re: HEY ALL, I need your help .....

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Posted by mchambers on January 07, 2003 at 21:36:19:

In Reply to: HEY ALL, I need your help ..... posted by ECO on January 07, 2003 at 13:00:28:

Try to answer as many as questions pertaining but not limit to my state:
#2...yes and no and will define on other questions
#3...answer to this and above: a state hunting license is required and or a state scientific permit for up to 5 species not on a list of protection or on those grounds. Permit allows up to 5 animals of any species but not limited to only 5 animals. from permit /license goes to general funds and probably not to just reptile resources.
#5...none if there is no commercialization involved on collecting. BUT even if there was commercial collecting ( and there was a bunch some years ago) very faint impact of population but maybe not the same with habitat. ( very controversial subject).
#6...somewhat more data on species/habitat, more documentation of species in given or not given area of distribution ( controversial also ).
#7...I have given bag limits and numbers above already.
#8...both ! Obvious some species going on a sinc list and some species not being collected at all due to...well that's another story., no NO ! I keep stating this on this forum. There is NO communication with non-reptile people and the laws and this includes your pas-s'e reptile person. changes that I'm aware of at this time.
#11 OOPS #12...this is a big one for me. Well first of all I'm undertaking an approach at this time to review a sinc species because in my honest opinion it doesn't deserve that listing. More to come later on that. But I plan on showing some facts of my own observations as well as others including the abundant species and abundant habitat for this species. Then there is the GENERATED income by the selling of more license. Let's mention more awareness of less than ideal thoughts/ thinking on reptiles being BAD ?
#11...not really that i am aware of other then native species. Of course as you can see on my other post that while this may not be a state problem ( the keeping of venomous in which I do ) there are definately city and township restrictions on the keeping of venomus and certain other reptiles.

Mike Chambers

:(NOTE...This was also posted on the field collecting forum)

:As some of you know, myself and others here in TN are trying to get the ball rolling for a legal change in the status of herps. Currently TN's herps are all considered non-game protected species with no season or bag limits (exceptions are frogs & snapping turtles with the proper license...i.e., you can kill em' but not keep em'.) Since there are MANY herpers from MANY areas who frequent this forum, I'd like a little information (and opinions) from you. Please feel free to post a response or email me with your answers, and thanks in advance for taking the time! As to what I'd like your answers on.......

:1- What state are you in?

:2- Are herps (of any kind) legally allowed to be captured from the wild in your state?

:3- Is there a fee or license required to take herps in your state?

:4- Do you know (if there is a fee or license required) if the money collected from said fee goes into a general fund, or is it specifically applied to herp managment/welfare?

:5- What negative effects have you noticed (if any) in states where field collection is legal?

:6- What positive effects have resulted from legal field collection?

:7- Are there bag limits for species, and if so, can you give me an idea or example for your state?

:8- Have the laws changed recently (last 5-10 years) in your state, or states where you collect in? If so, have the laws gotten more restrictive, or more relaxed? Can you give me an example?

:9- If there are laws regarding herps/collecting in your state, in your honest opinion......Do you meet many people BESIDES OTHER HERPERS, who know these laws exist?

:10- Are you aware of any pending changes to the herp laws in your state? If so, can you give a "readers digest" version?

:11- Are venomous species goverened by different or specific laws in your states?......Rear-fanged?.......Venomoid?

:12- FINALLY, If you lived in a state where collecting for any reason was currently illegal, and could stand up in front of the entire Wildlife Division, WHAT ARGUEMENTS WOULD YOU MAKE TO INFLUENCE A CHANGE IN THE LAWS?

:Thanks to all, your help is greatly appreciated! ECO

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