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Re: Tennessee reptile collecting laws

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Posted by Engloid on December 24, 2002 at 18:03:37:

In Reply to: Re: Tennessee reptile collecting laws posted by KLorentz on October 03, 2002 at 21:36:27:

: Yes it is very true . And since they do not go by subspieces if you where to get say a Cal King ( since Tenn has a native king snake ) you must be able to show where you got it . I know it sounds silly but thats the way the law reads . Also you may not keep any turtle or tortoise native or not . This also includes dart frogs and all hots .

: Kevin

A couple weeks ago I was at a flea market and got a RES. They were of course selling the bag of food for $10 and the turtle was a "free gift." They said at that time that selling turtles was illegal unless for educational (etc) purposes, but didn't say it was illegal to have them in your home for a pet. Is it illegal to own one or sell one over 4"?

Where can I get an absolutely indisputable decision on this? Will I need to call Tennessee WIldlife Resource Agency?

I think this 4" law is not a very good one. It may have been needed in the past, but isn't now. Sure, if they got rid of the laws, there'd be a surge in purchases, and a surge in unwanted turtles soon after, but like hamsters and gerbils....word of mouth gets around about what they're like, and people will cut back on buying them.

By allowing people to own turtles as pets, it ensures survival of the species and increases awareness of turtles in general.

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