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Yes, Get Some Insurance and...

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Posted by Tom Bennett on December 09, 2002 at 22:29:48:

In Reply to: since I love reptiles should I................? posted by beardieman on December 07, 2002 at 15:35:13:

...get some training so you don't have to use it. Look in the phone book under "Insurance" and call one of the many people listed providing health insurance. Depending on your age the cost may run as cheap as $50/month for policies that just cover major medical with very little bells and whistles to $200/month for full coverage with lower deductibles. These are just guesses but are probably close. Make sure that snakebites would be covered by the policy. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it though when you call. If the first thing you say is "I like to hold rattlesnakes and would like a policy for when I get bit." They might be less likely to want to cover you (not that you're actually holding the snakes, I hope).
Now I'm starting to sound like my Dad, but health insurance is a good thing to have. Even if you don't get bit by a snake you are much more likely to get sick and need it or fall down and break an arm while out in the woods looking for snakes.

:Get insurance if I get bit by a coperhead or cottonmouth or rattler or something? How much does it cost how do I find out info?

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