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Re: It may already be

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Posted by svee on November 26, 2002 at 13:54:10:

In Reply to: Re: It may already be posted by Lyle on November 25, 2002 at 09:15:54:

.... goats? pfffft thats just silly."

:How is that silly? From what I hear, goats are causing a lot of problems in Australia. If herp keepers have to buy permits, submit to inspections, inform the government every time they want to obtain a herp, etc., why shouldn't people who are keeping animals that can be just as destructive have to do the same? I never liked double-standards.

now, are you talking about dairy goats or goats raised for venison? well - of course there are guidelines there. they are farmed animals, in fenced properties, serving a purpose. the ferral population of goats is under the same classification as our other pests...the ferral cats, boars, kangaroos, foxes, cane toads and rabbits. you can kill them. we have free reign and in some towns the council pay for cat and fox pelts. there are permits for killing roos in a large scale cull, but if you own or live on a property ...its automatically your right to dispell vermin. these STANDARDS ARE SINGULAR... they are all to protect natural fauna and flora. i have looking into the varied laws all over the USA and , just admit it, theyre lacking. my point is...take a leaf out of our book. check our statistics. we have good clear regulations that do not leave the herp keepers open to as much abundant MISinformation. as i said...we are encouraged to be informed BEFORE we buy the creature of choice. are you saying thats wrong, unrealistic, not necessary...or dont you think it would work there? Svee

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